Interlibrary Loan

Request a Title

The Interlibrary Loan program is used by Johnson County Public Library cardholders seeking materials not owned by the library.

Items may be requested by calling or visiting the reference desk at any JCPL Branch or clicking the link below.


  • Have a valid Johnson County Public Library (JCPL) card & provide your current address and phone number.
  • Have the title and author (if applicable) for the item you would like.
  • You can make the request by phone or in person at any of our reference desks.
  • Indicate the maximum charge you are willing to pay to get the material.
  • Please be willing to wait several weeks for delivery of the material.
  • *Requests are limited to five (5) per week per patron.


  • JCPL does not charge our patrons for Interlibrary loan (ILL) service; the library takes care of all costs of processing, shipping, etc. as a service to our patrons.
  • Other libraries may charge to lend materials to us, however and the patron is responsible for those charges.

Place an Interlibrary Loan Request 
You will be prompted to log in to your account with a current library card number. Choose the "Interlibrary Loan" option and enter all the information for the item/materials you would like to request. 

Interlibrary Loan Policy

If you are interested in borrowing materials that were published less than six (6) months ago, please place a purchase request instead.