Electronic Resources
Citation and Writing Guides
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) - Over 200 free resources including:
- ESL (English as a Second Language)
- Grammar and Mechanics
- Job Search and Professional Writing
- Research
- Style Guides
- Writing and Teaching Writing
JCPL's Online Catalog
Tutors, Online Help, and Study Guides
- Ask Rose - Rose Hulman Institute of Technology's Homework Hotline. Provides FREE math and science homework help to Indiana students in grades 6-12.
- CliffsNotes - Complete and free.
- Shmoop - Entertain your brain while studying books, plays, short stories, poems, and U.S. history.
Websites and Subject Guides
Subject Guides
- INSPIRE by Subject: Indiana's trusted online research resource.
- Internet Public Library – Reference center, searching tools, subject guides and special collections.
- Khan Academy – Video lectures with online practice for math, science, economics, arts, history, and computer science.
- Reference Desk - Fact checker for the Internet.
- World Digital Library - The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
- World History Encyclopedia - A free online history encyclopedia with fact-checked articles, images, videos, maps, timelines and more.
General Biographies
- Biography Reference Center - (Library card login required) - Covering a vast array of people from historically significant figures to present-day newsmakers, it’s continuously updated to ensure that students have access to the very latest information.
- Biography.com - Search over 25,000 of the greatest lives, past and present.
- Infoplease - Biographies Search more than 30,000 biographies in almanacs, a dictionary, and an encyclopedia.
- AtoZtheWorld: Discover the culture, custom, food, religion, language, maps and points of interest of 170+ countries of the world. Great for international travel or school reports.
- Background Notes - Brief articles from the U.S. Dept. of State, which include current information on all the countries and territories of the world.
- CIA World Fact Book - Facts, figures, history, geography and politics of the countries of the world.
- Census.gov: Serves as a leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy.
Search Tools through INSPIRE
Digital Resources
hoopla College Entrance collection
hoopla Financial Aid e-books