Little Free Pantry
Johnson County Public Library’s mission is to connect our community members to resources. At the Franklin Branch, we offer a Little Free Pantry filled with food and other items available to anyone in need.
A JCPL employee built the pantry, and no Library funds are used to stock the pantry. Donations from individuals, families and local organizations keep the pantry filled. We ask that people take what they need and donate what they will.
ACCeptable Donations
How You Can Help
If you would like to donate supplies, then drop them off inside the Franklin Branch at the welcome desk during regular library hours.
How Your Organization Can Help
Local organizations are invited to stock the pantry throughout the year. Choose a week to adopt the pantry and collect donations to fill it.
VOlunteer To Stock the Pantry in 2025
Questions? Contact Us

2024 Sponsors
Grace United Methodist Church
Lisa Lintner & Family
Johnson County Local Food Council
Michael Waddick and Tandy Shuck
Classical Conversations of Johnson County
Liza Browning 4-H
Leadership Johnson County
Additional Food Resources
Johnson County offers a variety of food assistance to community members. Find local food pantries and community meal options here. JCPL can also connect you with social services and basic needs assistance.