Reliable Health Information on the Web

- NIH Senior Health - All you need to know about aging and maintaining a healthy lifestyle as you grow older. Articles, videos and printable pamphlets are available on a wide variety of topics.
- KidsHealth - Separate areas for Kids, Teens, Parents, and Educators, all full of information in plain English about kids' healthy development.
- WomensHealth.Gov - Fact sheets, news, and access to the Office on Womens' Health Helpline.
- Men's Health Network - Information about health topics including prevention, screenings and nutrition.
- National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Medically approved information on alternative treatments for conditions such as arthritis, cancer, smoking cessation, and much more.
- Centers for Disease Control - The CDC website includes up-to-the-minute info on infectious diseases all over the world. Includes the CDC Travelers' Health site, a critical resource for international travelers.
- QuackWatch - "Your Guide to Quackery, Health Fraud, and Intelligent Decisions," QuackWatch contains skeptical information on some alternative treatments, popular health gurus and other trending health topics.
- ClinicalTrials.Gov - Information about clinical medical studies of human participants conducted around the world.
- Indiana State Department of Health - Obtain certified copies of birth and death certificates, search consumer reports on Indiana health care facilities, learn about vaccinations and much more.
- Johnson County Health Department - Information about school immunization requirements, WIC eligibility, local health forms, and more.
All resources are provided for general informational purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for the advice or treatment of a doctor, lawyer or other licensed medical or legal professional. Library staff and materials cannot be used to provide medical diagnoses or treatment advice. Johnson County Public Library is not responsible for the content on third-party external websites.